Far away from my natural family I was feeling very home-sick, Its a time taking process to get settled in a new place and I am surely trying my best to adjust here.
Yesterday I got an invitation for an Eid dinner and I was very excited to go there because I was expecting to see many people there and meet new people. I am Hindu always used to participate in every festival of every religion in my country so was excited for this Eid celebration as well.
I was very glad to see that not only Pakistani or Muslim students but people who were Christians and from a different country like Japan and Thailand also came for the dinner and it was very helping that met many new people and made many international friends which made me to be happy and forget about my Pakistani family for the night. Meeting new people and going out is a good solution if we feel home-sick.
I'll be having my school from next week and hoping to do my best there!
loving my new international friends.. :) <3